Swift vs React Native

September 30, 2021

Swift vs React Native: Which One Should You Choose?

As mobile app development keeps evolving, developers keep looking for the best solutions to make their projects successful. Choosing the right programming language is fundamental since it can save time, effort, and resources.

Two of the most popular mobile app development languages used by developers are Swift and React Native. While Swift is used for developing iOS apps, React Native is a cross-platform framework used for developing mobile apps that can run on both iOS and Android platforms.

But how do they compare? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Keep reading to find out.


One of the most important aspects of mobile app development is performance. In this regard, Swift has an edge over React Native. Swift is faster and has a better performance than React Native. This is because Swift is a compiled programming language that is faster than interpreted languages like JavaScript, which is what React Native is based on.

Development Time and Costs

React Native developers can build apps for both iOS and Android platforms, which can save time and cut costs. This is because React Native follows the ‘learn once, write anywhere’ principle which makes it faster to develop applications for different platforms. However, this does not mean that the development time for React Native is always shorter than for Swift. It depends on a variety of factors, such as complexity, app size, and development team’s expertise.

On the other hand, Swift is designed to be easy to learn and use. It has a simpler syntax which makes it easier to read and write. As a result, the development time with Swift may be faster than React Native for iOS app development, because Swift is specifically designed for iOS development.

User Interface

When it comes to the user interface, both Swift and React Native have great options. Swift uses Apple’s UIKit while React Native uses Facebook’s React Native Components. Both are flexible and come with a wide range of options to choose from.

However, React Native has an edge over Swift in terms of its development of animations and transitions. React Native allows developers to create animations that work seamlessly across platforms which is something that Swift is not capable of.


The development community behind a programming language can make a huge difference on the quality of open-source libraries and documentation available. In this regard, both Swift and React Native have vast and active communities.

Swift has been developed by Apple and has a large backing of iOS developers, which ensures a large ecosystem of resources in terms of libraries, code snippets, and documentation, which is helpful for iOS developers.

React Native, on the other hand, has a large community of developers from Facebook, who constantly contribute to the development of the framework. It also has a large number of open-source libraries and frameworks that developers can leverage.

Learning Curve

Finally, the learning curve is an important factor to consider when choosing a programming language. Swift is known for its simplicity, which makes it easier to learn, even for developers with little experience. However, Swift has a limited scope of applicability, and it is only suited for iOS and macOS development.

React Native, on the other hand, has a steep learning curve. Developers must be well-versed in JavaScript to work with React Native. However, once learned, React Native can help developers design cross-platform applications.


In conclusion, Swift and React Native are both great options for mobile app development depending on the requirements of the project. Although React Native's cross-platform capability may seem to give it an edge over Swift, Swift can offer better performance and simpler syntax. On the other hand, the flexibility of React Native might give it an edge over Swift when it comes to animations and transitions.

It ultimately depends on the project’s specifications, development team’s expertise, and budget. Whether you choose Swift or React Native, both have a great community of developers who are constantly improving the frameworks.


  • “Swift vs. React Native: Which is More Preferred for iOS App Development?” Erminesoft, 5 Feb. 2021, erminesoft.com/swift-vs-react-native-which-is-more-preferred-for-ios-app-development/.
  • “Swift vs React Native: Which One Should You Choose in 2021?” Cleveroad, 10 June 2021, cleveroad.com/blog/swift-vs-react-native-which-one-should-you-choose-in-2021/.

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